You can talk marketing all you want, but it really matters when you put it all to work. When the strategy is written, the creative is done, and the media purchased, the results come out. That's where RJM lives. Our mission is to make work that builds communities and grows customers. Not just to make an impression, but to make one that drives action. Below you'll find four example case studies of just some of the work that RJM has done over the years. If you don't find what you're looking for, contact us and we can show you exactly what we've done in other industries or tactics.
daVinci Schools was growing at such a pace that their high school building was becoming a bit cramped. When Jackson College, the current owner of the building, decided that they may wish to purchase the space from daVinci, the challenge was to go grow into a new building. They turned to RJM to help craft a marketing plan and strategy to build their student body as well as manage the communication and transition to a new school.

When Broadmead began working with RJM, the planning for their new Hillside Homes, 52 new spacious apartment style homes in two buildings on campus, was already in the works. When expanding a senior living campus, marketing is crucial to advance in the process and ensure project viability. RJM worked closely with Broadmead's marketing and sales department to develop messaging and marketing pieces for each stage of the process.
You don't have to design a brand new website to see search engine optimization or conversion rate improvement. With Krupa's Boat Mart, RJM's mission was to make substantial improvements to how the website functioned and looked without having to start completely over. Using this method, Krupa's was able to see large gains in organic search traffic and conversion ratio without having to invest heavily in a completely new website.

How do you take something that most people would see as a detriment and turn it into an asset? In Jackson, RJM helped Ella Sharp Museum and Experience Jackson take an empty prison block on an operating prison grounds and turn it into a unique museum. RJM helped develop original messaging and strategy as well as design work for advertising for the Cell Block 7 Museum.