Website restructure,
not redesign
After many years with the same structure, the Krupa's Boat Mart website was ready for improvements. RJM's mission was to make substantial improvements to how the website functioned and looked without having to start completely over. This was to be a restructure, not a redesign. Working with an existing site navigation and content structure, we went to work updating the design and functionality of the site to bring in more traffic and more leads. This was accomplished without having to start from scratch on content, navigation, or code. Using this method, Krupa's was able to see large gains in organic search traffic and conversion ratio without having to invest heavily in a completely new website. Sometimes modifying what already works is the best solution.

The Problem.
More traffic. More inquiries. More sales. Maybe that is oversimplifying it a bit, but in the end what we needed was more. A dealership requires a steady stream of interested buyers and the lead to that is a steady stream of people finding available inventory. RJM's mission was to make the website more attractive, not only generating top of funnel visitors, but also to make the page design convert more of those shoppers into buyers.

The Process.
Develop individual landing pages for brands and boat types.
Restructure coding and URLs to include more relevant search terms and information.
Redesign the appearance of the site to increase time on site, traffic flow through pages, mobile accessibility and page speed.
Add multiple contact points for each available boat and allow for email and social spread for each boat.
The Results.
After the newly updated site launched, Krupa's saw an impressive increase in traffic through organic search. Compared to the previous year, organic search traffic increased 199% with a 713% increase in goal conversions from organic search. The results didn't stop there though. The second year after the site launched saw another 5% increase in organic search traffic and another 14% rise in conversions from organic search. Year three kept on giving with a 12% additional increase in search traffic compared to year two.