What was once only for universities has now become common for K-12 schools in nearly every community. Relying on local population numbers is no longer enough, you are now competing against neighboring districts, charters, and online schools. Where does an elementary or secondary school find a differentiator? By finding what your real message is. RJM has experience working with schools to establish a real message that has delivered measurable results. We look at every item of brand building from establishing brand colors to designing building signage and creating television commercials. We even wrapped a city bus.
Enrollment numbers up 64 students; second highest in the county. Over $500,000 in additional funding. That was the success of RJM's campaign with da Vinci Schools. Launched in conjunction with the school moving across the county, we designed new messaging to ensure the current students and parents that things were changing for the better. A secondary message was to drive new student enrollment at the new building. We had a completely new area to target; new parents and kids who might not have even known who da Vinci was. But, through a great partnership with Superintendent Sandy Maxon and a driven goal to make the new building something no one has ever seen, we were able to blow away the expectations.

How does a school become the school of choice? You find out what matters most. RJM takes a wholelistic approach to driving enrollment, starting with messaging and marketing strategy. We take the time to determine what is unique about your school. From classroom settings to academic programs, we find the thing that sets you apart from the rest. Our design team then designs the marketing and advertising that communicates that message to all of your stakeholders - parents, children, and community members - using a variety of traditional and digital techniques.